Sunday School

The Children's Ministry will resume meeting for Sunday School January 14 from 8:45 to 9:45 a.m. There will be three classrooms of Sunday School based on age and grade. Below are brief details for each group.

Sunday School Groups

3s–5s and K–2nd Graders

Children will be using curriculum from The Gospel Project which traces God’s path of redemption through the entire Bible. There will be age-appropriate classrooms for both groups, but the core material covered will be the same. We invite parents to engage with their children on the Scripture studied through take-home and online materials which will be offered throughout the semester. Our hope is to partner with you in sharing the gospel with your children!

3rd–5th Graders

Kirk Crew will resume their study of the New City Catechism. Lucas Mooibroek and other Student Ministry leaders will guide the group in the study and their time will include games and food as well! The Crew will meet downstairs in their usual classroom. We hope your child will join us!

  • READ: Jonah


    Mornings: Ask God to help you see people the way He sees them. Instead of judging them for their wrong behaviors, ask God to help you see them as loved by Him and in need of a relationship with Him. How does seeing people this way show us the greatness of God’s mercy?

    Evenings: Thank God for the ways He has shown His patience, mercy, and loving kindness to your family. Thank Him for the ultimate display of mercy when Jesus died on the cross to save us from our sin. How has God shown His mercy to you? How does God’s mercy compel you to show mercy to others?

    SING: Psalm 139 (See above playlists)

  • READ: Nahum


    Mornings: Pray for those who may misunderstand God’s character. Ask God to show them His love and mercy to help them believe in Him. Why does God want people to worship only Him? How can God’s character be jealous and loving at the same time?

    Evenings: Thank God for showing us His character through the Bible. Make a list of the attributes or the stories that teach us who God is and what He is like. How can we know God better? How does knowing more of God’s attributes help us to trust Him?

    SING: Psalm 139 (See above playlists)

  • READ: 2 Chronicles 36


    Mornings: Pray for the leaders of your city, state, and country. Ask God to give them knowledge to do their work and wisdom to obey Him. How did the sins of Judah’s kings affect the people? Why is it important for us to pray for our leaders?

    Evenings: Thank God for His promises and His faithfulness to always keep those promises. Make a list of the promises you can remember from the Bible. Make note of the promises God has already. How do these fulfilled promises help us to trust in His ability to keep all His promises?

    SING: Psalm 139 (See above playlists)

  • READ: Psalm 139


    Mornings: Ask God to show you who needs love and encouragement today. Be on the lookout for people you encounter and how you can show God’s love to them. How does showing love to others help them know God? How does loving them remind you of how much God loves you?

    Evenings: Praise God for the wonderful way He created you. He knew you before you were born and made plans for your life. Ask Him to help you fulfill the purpose He has for you. How does it feel to know that God made you just the way He wanted you to be? How does this change the way you look at yourself and others?

    SING: Psalm 139 (See above playlists)

  • READ: Jeremiah 29–30


    Mornings: As you wake up to a new sunrise, thank God for His mercies that are new every morning and His faithfulness that stretches as far as the skies. How have you seen God’s faithfulness to you and your family?

    Evenings: Ask God to help you walk in the plans He has for you. Spend time reading His Word, praying, and worshiping Him to seek more of Him and His will for your life.

    SING: Zephaniah 3:17 (See above playlists)

  • READ: Daniel 1


    Mornings: Ask God to show you ways to honor Him today. Think about the choices you will make, the interactions you will have with others, and the opportunities you’ll have to trust Him. Ask Him to help you honor Him in each of those areas.

    Evenings: Thank God for the Bible and how it instructs our lives. Ask God to give you strength and wisdom to follow His commands. Remember that God’s forgiveness and blessing is based on Jesus’ perfect obedience and not our own!

    SING: Zephaniah 3:17 (See above playlists)

  • READ: Daniel 5


    Mornings: Ask God for humility. Ask God to reveal the ways pride has influenced your thoughts and actions. Ask Him to remove it so that you can humbly follow Him. How does pride keep us from following God? Why are God’s ways better than our own?

    Evenings: List as many ways as you can that Jesus is greater and better than earthly kings. Think about His power, His compassion, and His knowledge of the future. How does knowing Jesus as the true and better King help us to trust Him more?

    SING: Zephaniah 3:17 (See above playlists)

  • READ: Isaiah 7


    Mornings: Ask God to calm you in moments when you feel nervous or anxious. Think on His promises and let those be your reasons not to fear.

    Evenings: Make a list of words that describe Jesus. Take time to thank Him for being all those things and for being Immanuel—God with us!

    SING: Zephaniah 3:17 (See above playlists)

  • READ: Ezra 1


    Mornings: Thank God for the freedom He has provided for all who trust in Jesus. What price did Jesus pay for our freedom?

    Evenings: Praise God for the way He uses ordinary people to accomplish His plans. How did God use King Cyrus to fulfill the promise to His people? Who has God used in your life to help you know Him and learn more about Him?

    SING: Jeremiah 17:7 (See above playlists)

  • READ: Zechariah 13–14


    Mornings: Pray for the leaders who serve in your city. Pray specifically for the mayor, city council members, police officers and firefighters, and others who serve the public in various ways. Ask God to protect them and give them wisdom as they lead the city.

    Evenings: Thank God for the good news of Jesus and how it brings us hope for the future. Reflect on this question: How does Jesus’ resurrection give us hope for our future?

    SING: Jeremiah 17:7 (See above playlists)

  • Palm Sunday + Easter Lesson

    Use Resurrection Eggs if you have them!

  • READ: Ezra 2–6


    Mornings: Ask God to help you feel His presence today. Ask Him to remind you that He is not far off and not hiding from His people. What are some of the ways you can be reminded of God’s presence? How does Bible reading, prayer, and worship help you to feel closer with Him?

    Evenings: Thank God for sending His Spirit to all who trust in Jesus. How is the Holy Spirit our Helper? How does the Spirit remind us of God’s promise to never leave us?

    SING: Jeremiah 17:7 (See above playlists)

  • READ: Jeremiah 31


    Mornings: Jeremiah said God would give His people the power to obey. Ask God for His power and help to obey His commands today. Why does God give His children the power to obey? How is that honoring to Him?

    Evenings: Make a list of opposite emotions: sad/happy, nervous/calm, angry/joyful. Take time to thank Jesus for being the One who brings the good from the bad! He is the One who brings new life and changes the hearts of everyone who trusts in Him.

    SING: Jeremiah 17:7 (See above playlists)

  • READ: Esther


    Mornings: Ask God to help you trust Him more. How can learning more about God’s character and His mighty works help you to trust Him more?

    Evenings: Thank God for His good and perfect will for your life. Even when we don’t know or understand His plans, we can trust that He is perfectly working out His plan. Why can we trust that His plans for us are good?

    SING: 2 Corinthians 7:10 (See above playlists)

  • READ: Nehemiah 1–7


    Mornings: Thank God for His power. Think of all the stories and examples of God’s power found in Scripture. How do these examples show us God’s power? How does seeing God’s power help you to trust in Him?

    Evenings: Thank God for His love. Think of a story in Scripture that teach of God’s love. Think of the ways you have felt God’s love. How does God demonstrate His love? Why is Jesus the greatest example of God’s love?

    SING: 2 Corinthians 7:10 (See above playlists)

  • READ: Ezra 7–10; Nehemiah 8


    Mornings: Thank God for the Bible and all it teaches us about His plan to save sinners through Jesus. What does the Bible show us about our sin? How does the Bible point us to Jesus as Savior and Lord?

    Evenings: Ask God to give you a love for His Word and the help you need to understand it. How does more time reading and memorizing God’s Word help us to love Him and His Word? Who can help you to understand God’s Word?

    SING: 2 Corinthians 7:10 (See above playlists)

  • READ: Nehemiah 9–10


    Mornings: Pray for the strength to worship God through obedience today. How is obedience a way of worshiping God? How can remembering His faithfulness help you obey?

    Evenings: Praise God for the ways you saw His faithfulness today. How does the sunrise and sunset remind you of His faithfulness? How can your family, your home, and the food you ate be a reminder of God’s compassion toward you?

    SING: 2 Corinthians 7:10 (See above playlists)

  • Review + End of Year Celebration

Family Talking Points