Women’s Bible Study

Fall 2023 Study

We’re excited to announce the book we will be studying this fall for Bible Study: Habakkuk: Learning to Live by Faith by Lydia Brownback. More details will follow in the coming weeks, but we hope this will have you looking forward to the fall study!

Sign ups will begin Monday, August 14 and will close on Tuesday, August 29. You may choose between Tuesday morning at 9:15 am or Wednesday evening at 7 pm. We will kick off the semester on Tuesday, September 12, and Wednesday, September 13, respectively. Childcare is provided for Tuesday morning (please note your need when you register).

See information below for book purchasing options.

If you have any questions, please contact Abby.

If you sign up by the deadline (Tuesday, August 29) for the Tuesday morning Bible study session*, you will get an email on Wednesday, August 30 at noon with a link to select your first and second choice of small group. The email will also include a little information about the group leaders. 


1. What if I don't get an email? Or if I have difficulty with the link?
Please contact Abby via email or call the church at 314-392-4700. 

2. How will it be determined if I get my first or second choice?
We will try to give everyone their first choice! But if some groups get so big that they can no longer be called "small groups" then we will make some adjustments. We will try to make sure to help everyone feel comfortable with their groups. 

3. What if I sign up after the deadline?
You will proceed straight to choosing your group when you sign up. 

*Currently, there is only one Wednesday evening small group, led by Karen Schumacher and Cathy Luetkemeyer. So if you choose Wednesday evening, you are all set!

Our Leaders

Click here to get to know our Bible Study Leaders.

Fall 2023 Bible

Study Videos

Check back throughout the semester for Fall Bible Study Videos.

Bible Study Details

Meeting times and locations

Tuesday morning: at the church, from 9:15–11:15 am

Wednesday evening: meeting at the Moehrle Home, from 7–8:30 pm, contact Karen Schumacher for more information


We will provide childcare in the nursery this year for Tuesday in-person participants! Please register your children when you sign up for Bible study. We may need a rotation of volunteers to help support the nursery staff. If you are a Kirk member, please consider volunteering one week, whether or not you have children! Your service would be a blessing to the women of the church!

Book Purchasing:

Feel free to purchase the book on your own or when you register for Bible Study, you can choose the option to be a part of the bulk order.

Tuesday Morning Refreshments

Coffee and bagels from Panera will be available starting at 9 am, our large group time will start promptly at 9:25 am.