Student Ministry
Advocates of the gospel in the lives of teens.
The Edge
Who: Rising 6th-9th graders (current 5th-8th)
Where: Covenant College on Lookout Mountain, Georgia
When: June 16-20, 2025
What: The Edge is a conference where middle schoolers from churches all over meet for a wild, action-packed week of games, worship, tournaments, teaching, water and color wars, elective classes, dance parties, talent shows, and more!
Cost: $550 to cover conference fee, transportation (charter bus), all meals, and a t-shirt.
Questions? Email andrew.schonhoff@thekirk.org
Who: Current 9th-12th grade students. (rising 10th through rising college freshmen at the time of the trip).
Where: Laguna Beach Christian Retreat Center in Panama City Beach, Florida
When: July 7-13
What: High school students from all over the southeast region head to the beach to enjoy the Lord’s creation and attend large group worship and teaching, walk to the donut shop, take elective classes about our faith, participate in beach games/tournaments, and build memories and experiences that we end up talking about all year.
Cost: $775 to cover conference fee, transportation (charter bus), and all meals.
Questions? Email andrew.schonhoff@thekirk.org
PLEASE NOTE: As communicated, the first opportunity to register was in person at SNF this past Sunday, which filled up the majority of our spots. The last couple years, our trip has been filling up incredibly fast. Each year, we find this trip is most fruitful for students who have invested in discipleship relationships by regularly attending SNF and Dgroup. If the trip fills up quickly (which we anticipate), we will give first priority to students who regularly attend SNF and/or Dgroup, along with Kirk members. Registering below does not confirm your spot on the trip. We will send registration confirmations and payment links by Monday, February 3rd.