Welcome to the Kirk of the Hills
We’re so glad you’re here!
Visiting a new church can be both an exciting and intimidating process, so we hope the information provided here and your experience at the Kirk is a welcoming one.
Visit or Worship with us online, Sundays at 10 am!
Watch a Service
If you are thinking about visiting the Kirk, but want to watch a service before you come, check out our sermon archive. You can get a feel for the structure of our Worship service and learn more about what to expect on a Sunday!
We understand that some people have been in a church their whole lives, while others are not so confident walking through the front doors of a church. We welcome everyone, and we want people to be comfortable visiting us, so here are some answers to a few common questions that should help.
Do I have to be "good" to come to church?
The Kirk is a place where you can learn about who God is, what he is thinking, and what he wants from us and for us. In other words, we're not assuming you have it all figured out. In fact, if you don't, you'll be in good company. We're assuming that parts of your life are a mess. It's the only reason anyone would actually need to come to church! Of course, people can clean up for an hour on Sunday mornings, but let’s face it: that’s a façade. If you are looking for other people who are recovering from "faking it," then you’ve found us. We aren’t "fixed," we can still fake it with the best of them, but we’re repenting of our hypocrisy. We are a collection of people in process, and we each come on the same level to the fountain of God's grace. We don’t love grace because we are "good Christians;" we love grace because we are "wretched sinners" who have been loved by God!
Will I be expected to give money?
Each week, during the worship service the ushers collect what is called the offering. This is part of our worship as a congregation, an opportunity to express our dependence on and faith in God by giving back to him a portion of what he has entrusted to us. The offering is not a fee for attending the service—in fact we do not expect visitors to give any money. If you are a member or regular attender at another church, we strongly urge you to worship God by giving regularly at that church.
What should I wear?
You don't have to "dress up" or wear anything in particular. You will find people wearing a variety of clothing on Sunday mornings—everything from a full suit or a dress, to slacks and a polo or blouse, to jeans and a t-shirt. You will not be judged for what you wear. The Gospel is about far more important issues than fashion.
Can we bring our kids to worship?
Absolutely! There are several options for parents, view our Children's Worship page to learn more.
What does a typical Sunday look like?
During the Fall and Spring, we usually have one or two Adult Education Classes and a time for children ages 0–12th grade to gather from 8:45–9:45 am. Then, our Worship service begins at 10 am in the Sanctuary.
For those who desire a worship option for their preschool-aged children (3 year olds and up), the Kirk provides a worship experience at the child's developmental level from 10:15–11:15 am each Sunday morning. Learn more about children's worship.