Prayer & Physical Needs

Prayer Needs

Prayer in times of trouble is one of the greatest services provided by members for one another. The Kirk communicates prayer needs through the weekly “Prayer Notes” included in the Kirk Newsletter. The Prayer Notes provide prayer requests for individual needs, birth and death announcements, and occasional achievement announcements (awards, special anniversaries, etc.).

To submit a Confidential Prayer Request, please contact Pastor of Congregational Care, Mike Kennison.

To submit a general prayer/praise for publication in the Prayer Notes, please email Jess Fadel.


Physical Needs

God has created a office of people just to see to the physical needs of the church. They are called the Deacons. When the church learns of a need, the deacons strive to meet that need in variety of ways and provide support in a spirit of mercy. Some of the ways deacons assist church members include:

  • Short-term financial assistance from the Deacons' Fund

  • Physical support such as home repairs

  • Matching members in need with other Kirk members in a particular field of expertise (i.e., legal counsel)

  • Organizing the response of the congregation to needs in the community and around the world.

If you or a friend are in need, contact the Deacons to submit a request that they should look into.


Need-Specific ministries

Lay participation in the care of the congregation is strongly encouraged and is carried out through organized teams that give attention to specific needs:

  • Kirk Support Moms—provides individual volunteer care for soon-to-be moms. Contact Catherine Holohan.

  • Jobless Support—offers support and guidance to those seeking employment in the midst of a difficult economy. Contact Howard Curtis.

  • Homebound—visits and meets the needs of those too infirmed to attend services. Contact Alene Roth.

  • Cancer Support—helps those who are currently dealing with the effects of cancer (patient and/or family). Contact Sara and Jack Sanders.

  • Illness—volunteers of compassion who serve as organizers and liaisons for those who are ill or otherwise need care. Contact Jane Carpenter or Cindy Walker.

Want to serve on a congregational care team? Please contact Pastor of Congregational Care, Mike Kennison, 314.434.0753.